無盡分享,不停交流,敗得精彩! 喜歡的請來按讚, 我不是專業, 只想把生活經驗記錄下來,作為自己的日記。
Hi! 你好!
Sally, 我終於揾返你啦, 好開心呀. New blog: meetbeforesunset.blogspot.hk
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Hi Sally, I am a silent reader but this time I need to ask you a question. I would like to make a bigger portion, is that all I need is to multipy the amount of the ingredient required, do you have any other technic ?
呢度有2碗份量, 如果你多人食就咁乘大個份量就得.
Hi! 你好!
刪除Sally, 我終於揾返你啦, 好開心呀.
回覆刪除New blog: meetbeforesunset.blogspot.hk
add u
刪除Hi Sally, I am a silent reader but this time I need to ask you a question. I would like to make a bigger portion, is that all I need is to multipy the amount of the ingredient required, do you have any other technic ?
回覆刪除呢度有2碗份量, 如果你多人食就咁乘大個份量就得.